CBD oil under the tongue: sublingual intake

CBD oil under the tongue: sublingual intake

If you are looking for a way to get the most out of your CBD oil, you should take it sublingually, i.e. placed under the tongue. This is a great way to experience the effects and benefits of CBD quickly and efficiently. In this blog post, you will learn how to use CBD oil under the tongue and the benefits of taking it this way.

CBD is one of the most fascinating natural substances in our world, and more people than ever are interested in it. Recent studies have shown how beneficial CBD can be for ailments like chronic pain - the industry has sparked a worldwide interest from wellness consumers who want to try something new.

Putting CBD oil under your tongue and on your gums - is it the same thing?

The sublingual administration of CBD has a similar effect to putting a substance between the gums and cheek. This causes the substance to dissolve into a liquid form that can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the membranes in our mouth.

While buccal substances (i.e. for use between the gums and cheek) are typically administered in the form of sprays/tablets, which come in a variety of flavours depending on preference, CBD oils are a little different when applied directly, but the effect sets in for the same reason.

The tissue under the tongue and its absorption capacity

The tissue under the tongue is made up of a network of blood vessels and is therefore well suited to absorbing liquids. When a liquid is placed under the tongue, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This process is called sublingual absorption and is particularly beneficial when it comes to getting a variety of substances, including medications, into the body quickly and effectively.

The sublingual route is particularly suitable for medications that are normally broken down by stomach acid or have a bitter taste. The sublingual tissue also enables the rapid absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12. So this route of administration is also an effective way to deliver nutrients to the body.

How exactly do I take CBD under the tongue?

It's very simple! Just put a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue and hold it there for 30-60 seconds before swallowing the rest.

If you are taking CBD oil for the first time, it can be helpful to stand in front of a mirror to place the drops correctly.

Try not to let the pipette come into contact with your tongue or mouth so that saliva does not get back into the bottle and alter the oil. This will keep the oil fresh for much longer.

The disadvantage of taking CBD oil sublingually

The disadvantage of taking CBD oil sublingually is that it is not always suitable for taking on the go and small mishaps may well occur. If you carry CBD oil around in a bag, it can happen that the oil leaks out of the bottle. It is also easy for some of the oil to drip onto your clothes when you first take it.

However, these are minor inconveniences and should not deter you from this effective form of ingestion.

How much CBD is absorbed sublingually?

The answer to this question is not as simple as you might think. While it is known that CBD is absorbed sublingually, the amount that is actually absorbed can depend on a number of factors. For example, the CBD concentration in the product, the amount of the dose and the individual physiology all play a role in how much CBD is actually absorbed. In addition, other components of the product can also influence absorption. For example, if the product contains terpenes, these can help to increase the amount of CBD absorbed.

Bioavailability is the proportion of an active ingredient that enters the bloodstream after it has been delivered to the body. The higher the bioavailability, the more efficient and cost-effective the product.

Is sublingual absorption of CBD oil faster than oral absorption?

Sublingual absorption is considered more effective than oral absorption because it bypasses the digestive system and the CBD enters the bloodstream directly. However, it is debatable whether sublingual absorption is actually faster than oral absorption. With both methods, CBD enters the bloodstream, but with oral absorption it may take longer to reach the maximum concentration in the blood. Experimental studies suggest that the bioavailability of CBD is only about 10-20% when taken orally.

The active ingredient has to survive the harsh conditions in your stomach. This will most likely lead to degradation and less effect than sublingual administration, which means that the amount that enters our bloodstream is much less than if you take it by mouth or another route, such as inhalation.

The path of lipophilic molecules on food particles passing through membranes into a bioavailable form can sometimes be very long - especially if these unfortunate events include breakdown by acids found in the stomach.

Ultimately, research suggests sublingual ingestion for higher absorption, but further research is needed to determine absorption rates of CBD oil when taken orally and sublingually.


Being more knowledgeable about the science behind sublingual ingestion of CBD can help you make better purchasing decisions down the line. Because when we are armed with knowledge and confidence, we feel more confident to make good decisions for ourselves!

The body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that plays an important role in regulating mood, sleep cycles and bodily functions. CBD can help support wellbeing as it interacts with receptors on cells in our body that reduce inflammation or induce relaxation, depending on how you choose to use the product! But only when consumers know what they are looking at will they realise the true potential that researchers have found out about this cannabinoid compound so far.

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