


Journal of Cannabis Research 4, 47 (2022)

Article name

Cannabidiol as a treatment for arthritis and joint pain: an exploratory cross-sectional study


Frane, N., Stapleton, E., Iturriaga, C. et al.

Cannabidiol (CBD): A Potential Relief for Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing chronic pain and inflammation in the joints. Traditional treatments often involve anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers, but these can have serious side effects. Recently, a compound found in cannabis, called cannabidiol (CBD), has been gaining attention as a potential alternative treatment. This article discusses a study conducted by Robert Duarte and his team, which explores the effects of CBD on arthritis symptoms. Link to the study.

Who Conducted the Study?

The study was carried out by Robert Duarte and his team at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, part of Northwell Health.

Main Findings

  • CBD use was associated with improvements in pain (83%), physical function (66%), and sleep quality (66%).
  • 44% reduction in pain was reported after CBD use.
  • 60.5% of respondents reported a reduction or cessation of other medications after CBD use.

How Was the Study Conducted?

The researchers created a questionnaire to evaluate the perceived efficacy of CBD for the treatment of arthritis. They recruited a self-selected convenience sample of 428 participants through online methods, including social media accounts and newsletters, between May 5, 2020, and November 5, 2020. The data was collected and analyzed statistically to determine differences between types of arthritis and improvements in quality-of-life symptoms. The study did not specify the dose of CBD received by the study subjects.

What Could This Mean for Arthritis Patients?

The findings of this study suggest that CBD could be a promising alternative treatment for arthritis. It was associated with improvements in pain, physical function, and sleep quality. Moreover, a significant number of participants reported reducing or stopping their use of other medications after starting CBD. This could potentially mean fewer side effects and a better quality of life for arthritis patients.

What are the Limitations of This Study?

While the results are promising, the study has several limitations. First, the sample was self-selected, which could introduce bias. Second, the study relied on participants' self-reported data, which can be subjective and may not accurately reflect the actual effects of CBD. Finally, the study did not control for the dosage of CBD used by the participants, which could influence the results.


This study suggests that CBD could potentially be a beneficial treatment for arthritis symptoms. However, more research, including clinical trials, is needed to confirm these findings and to determine the optimal dosage and administration methods for CBD in the treatment of arthritis.


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